I am so excited to share with you my new
Wheels On The Bus Homework Enrichment S.T.E.M. Activity!
I just finished it yesterday and had to post
it free for the next 24 hours
for all of our blogging buddies!
Very cool!
If you missed this Freebie...I'm sorry!
Become a follower here to catch future blog freebies,
and a follower on TPT to catch store freebies!
It is very similar to my Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater STEM
that I posted free (for a short time) last year.
My favorite part is that my kiddos who need enrichment
will definitely get that, and all I have to do is:
1. Print
2. Choose a date for our classroom's Bus Race
3. Wait for fabulous buses to show up!
Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy!
My parents who are always looking
for enrichment activities for their children
LOVED my Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater STEM last year.
I'm sure they did!
I taught 3 rotating classes of first graders.
Each class of 18 students,
brought in an average of 6 pumpkin houses.
Keeping that in mind,
our Bus Race Day will be
comprised of small teams.
Whoever brings in a bus
will have a group of classmates
on his/her team.
The students will see if the bus has
wheels that "go round and round,
wipers that "go swish, swish, swish"
and a door that "opens and shuts".
Then they'll see whose
bus can roll the furthest.
They'll measure the distance,
and compare numbers
using inches, paper clips, or unifix cubes.
Fab, fab, fabulous math day!
You're like the STEM guru.
And I know you.
Just saying...
The teachers going to school say,
"Yay, yay, yay!
Yay,yay, yay!
Yay, yay, yay!"
The teachers going to school say,
"Yay, yay, yay!
I'm making plans for a fabulous day!"
Thanks for sharing!
And then...
Update: 9/22/15
Holy Toledo Batman!
I have GOT to share these pics
with all of you!
Seriously?! Is there a little comic book
loving little boy trapped in your head?
You have GOT to be the only one I
hear use that phrase! LOL
I sent this Homework Enrichment STEM
home with my first grade students.
They came back
with the cutest buses....
with wheels that went
"round and round",
wipers that went "swish, swish, swish",
and doors that went "open and shut".
This was an optional homework activity,
and the majority of the kids (and their families)
decided to participate! Woo-hoo!
The buses that look like they don't have
wheels....do...they actually DO roll...
the wheels are just underneath.
See the smiley face bus?
It's my favorite! One of my 6 year old students
made it with his 14 year old sister.
Notice the wipers?
Two striped paper clips did the trick!
So super cute...and 100% kid made!
I hope your students and families
enjoy doing this activity as much as mine did!
Happy STEMming!
:) Regina