
Thursday, August 22, 2013

The FIRST day of Kindergarten

                        Funny Teacher Week Ecard: 'The first day of Kindergarten is such a breeze!' said no teacher ever. ever.
*AttaGirl Funnies by Angela Furgal AKA Fairy Funtastic*
If you see this pinned somewhere else...know that you saw it here first!
I. am. fried.

Chewed up and spit out

Enough said.

 photo FairyFuntasticSignoff-2.png

Sunday, August 18, 2013

...Back to School TPT Sale!

*AttaGirl Funnies by Angela Furgal AKA Fairy Funtastic*
If you see this pinned somewhere else...know that you saw it here first!

Who doesn't love a good sale?  
I mean 5% off is nice, 
10% is better, 
20% is pretty cool....
but 28%?  

We're headed to our TPT wishlists and 
transferring everything to our carts. 
(School starts NEXT week!) 

A sale for me, a sale for you…
A sale for and from Fairytales And Fiction by 2.
We can't wait to load up our files,
Without having to walk down
any Back To School aisles!
Our wishlists are full...
They're ready to pop!
So, we're heading to TPT
To shop 'til we drop!

Happy shopping everybody!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

'Twas the night before school starts

Funny Teacher Week Ecard: 'I fall asleep so easily the night before school starts.' said no teacher ever.
*AttaGirl Funnies by Angela Furgal AKA Fairy Funtastic*
If you see this pinned somewhere else...know that you saw it here first!

'Twas the night before school starts
when all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

Lesson plan books were filled diligently with care,
In hopes that all of the students soon would be there.

Students were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of new teachers danced in their heads.

The children all wondered...Will she be funny?  Will he be nice?
Is it true that I'll often get my head checked for lice?

Teachers wondered if they did enough to prepare.
If not, the kids were coming tomorrow so BEWARE!

Even with the help of Melatonin or one less Coke before bed,
Each teacher could not lay down his or her exhausted head!

When out in cyberspace there arose such a clatter,
Teachers' spouses went to computer screens 
to see what was the matter.

And what to their wondering eyes should appear?
But thousands of teachers online....OH DEAR!

Pinterest...Blogs...Teachers Pay Teachers...
They all had such amazing and wonderful features!

The cyberspace 'reindeer' leading the way...
(Chris Biffle, Harry Wong, and Deanna Jump)
All had so much to say!

Dedicated teachers showed up in the dead of the night,
For one last idea that would make that first day just right.

"Enough is enough!" yelled spouses all over the nation.
"It's time to go to bed or you'll end up in the Nurse's Station!"

The teachers all logged off and headed for bed,
But their last Facebook message read:

"Happy School Year To All  &  To All A Good Night!"

 photo FairyFuntasticSignoff-2.png

Saturday, August 3, 2013

........our first Guest Blogger!

Introducing Alyson Hennessy.
She's a 7th year teacher
in a Dual Language classroom in New York.
In her 'stand alone model' classroom,
she teaches both English and Spanish.

Welcome to our blog Alyson!
Pull up a cyberchair and tell us your story...

One day one of my students said to me,
"Mrs. Hennessy, I know how 
to say Pennsylvania in Spanish."
I was a little confused because
a) we were not even talking about states.
b) you only slightly change how you say the word.
I was wondering where she was going with this.

(As we all know, these are the moments in
Kindergarten when another adult
is needed in the room!
They can back up whatever
is about to be said...
people don't believe you!)

I replied, "Okay, how do you say
Pennsylvania in Spanish?"
She answers 
"Lápiz -vania"

(For those non-Spanish speaking readers...
a pencil in Spanish is called a "lápiz.")

(Regina:  I couldn't help myself... 
This picture's for you, Alyson!
Having taught Bilingual Education in Texas, 
this story brings back wonderful memories!)

I had to really try hard not to laugh,
because it was so cute and she was
so serious about it.
After I explained that the
"Pennsyl" part of "Pennsylvania"
does not mean the writing tool
even though it sounds like the word,
she moved on to something else.

Of course she moved on to
something else!
Don't they always?
She had no idea that her comment
was so cute that it would stay
with Alyson for years to come.
Gotta love Kindergarten!

*AttaGirl Funnies by Angela Furgal AKA Fairy Funtastic*
If you see this pinned somewhere else...know that you saw it here first!

Thank you Alyson for being
our first Guest Blogger.
We hope you have fun shopping our
TPT stores for $10 worth of our products.

The rest of you are invited to check out
Alyson's TPT store,
She offers both Spanish and English activities
and lots of freebies.

You're also invited to check out her blog
And her Facebook page

Enjoy those last few weeks of summer.
I hear a school bus coming!

 photo fairytalesampFictionsignoff-2.png