
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Keep On Moving!

I just love quotes
by Einstein. 
Here is one of
my favorites:

"Life is like
riding a bicycle.
To keep your balance,
you must keep moving."

Oh so true Einstein.
Oh so true.
No wonder that man
was regarded as a genius.
Just saying... 

As I get older,
I think he was
absolutely correct!
To download click here.

 Here's the same quote
for my Spanish
teaching friends!

 "La vida es como
montar en bicicleta.
Si quieres mantener
el equilibrio,
no puedes parar."

¡Es completamente cierto!

I think I'm going
to hang this in my classroom
for the days that I feel
like I might start wobbling.
I'll just look at the quote...
and keep on moving! 

Happy "What's Left of" Summer Everyone!