
Sunday, March 15, 2015

Snowman Button Races S.T.E.M.

So....I went to the dentist this past week,
and I got poked and prodded and all cleaned up...
nice and purrrrtie.

Have I mentioned...
AMEN sista!
I would rather have a mammogram
than go to the dentist.!
I have to have certain things with me during my visit.
#1.  Socks.
I live in Florida where we all go around flipping
our flip-flops every which way....
but when it's time to go to the dentist,
I pack a pair of socks in my purse.
Once I get there, I kick my flips
to the corner of the room
and climb into my chair with....

#2.  Sunglasses.
I have to wear my sunglasses when I'm there.
It's a must.
They are not allowed to touch my teeth,
unless these big, brown eyes are covered.
Ditto!  My eyes are closed the entire time!
This is not meant to emulate movie-star qualities,
although my alter ego may beg to differ.
No.  I just use them to hide.
Like a three year old.
If you can't see me,
I'm not really here.

#3. Two sweaters.
Not one sweater.
I wear one,
and I cover myself up
with the other one.
Yes.  This big baby
needs a quasi blanket to
go to the dentist.
I have actually considered
a b.y.o.b. dental policy
(bring your own blanket),
but I haven't quite gone
that far over the deep end.
They must laugh when they see
you coming!

as I was sitting there...
trying not to think about the buzzing
going on in my mouth,
I had a flashback of last night's
recorded show that was on for 
our viewing pleasure (not mine...I'm anti-this show
but I get sucked into watching it).
 Have you ever seen: The Following?

Last night it freaked me out so of the FBI
agents got boxed up alive in a
teeny-tiny, metal box
(about the size of a filing box).
Ok, I was literally starting to feel
like I was suffocating when I read that.
Talk about a STEM experiment gone wrong.  Very.Wrong.

So...I was sitting in the dentist's chair
thinking that I am grateful to be there
rather than is a small, metal box.
Thinking: Go ahead....poke and jab all you want.
I'm grateful. I'm grateful. I'm grateful.
Self-talk at it's best.
I think I can. I think I can.
This could be worse....This could be worse...
And then my brain starts thinking that the
really, bad man on that show
should have had a better STEM
outlet as a child....
and been taught to use
his powers for good rather than evil.
THEN I started thinking about Angela the Snow Person
THEN I started thinking...that poor woman 
(Angela...yes, I'm talking about you),
I can't believe that it's still cold and snowy up there.
It actually warmed up this weekend.
Although it's back to the 40's later this week.
Boo hiss!
Not to brag.  (I'm not a real sun lover.)
This is when we can no longer be friends.

So there's my bald, snowball friend
frazzled with no recess in sight.
I know right?!
THEN I started to think that maybe people would
like a preview to some simple snowman STEM activities that
I had meant to post on TPT
(back in January when my kiddos did them).
Did that happen?
I never quite got to that point.
We actually did three really fun activities,
but has anyone outside of my first grade friends seen them?
They haven't been posted.
They haven't been pinned. 
Can you say: March?

Snowmen are completely off of any Florida teacher's radar.
Thankfully, they're headed off of our radar too.
Spring officially starts on Saturday.
BRRRRRRiiiiing it on!
Just speaking the truth. 

I do STEM activities every Friday,
but to get them prepped and ready to post for sale
is a completely different hairy mess all together.
Honestly I'm just getting by
with doing them with my own class,
teaching the wack-a-doodle-noodle standards
that we are responsible for, and just having my kids
where they need to be at the moment.
I went through the pics on my camera,
and I've made 10 different STEM activities
that haven't been posted.
I honestly don't know how you do it!!
Not only do you do a STEM every Friday,
but you create them in between Fridays.
I just can't quite get them out there.
I finally finished one.
Minus the black and white prints.
Still haven't gotten that far,
but if you're willing to see past the
lack of the b&w prints, I'm more
than willing to share this STEM activity
with you that your kids are going to LOVE.
Seriously.  My kids had so much fun with this!
I called it
Snowman Button Races:
 If you missed this freebie...become a TPT and blog 
follower to  catch future freebies!

Now complaining
about the prints all being in color,
they'll print just fine on school black and white copiers....
believe me I've used mine that way and it works.
I will take any help with typos, though,
because let's face it: after teaching all day,
being a mom of four, making things for sale on TPT,
and freebies for our blog, dropping off and picking up
my own kids from their activities...I don't always see quite straight
by the end of the day. Truth. My eyes just give out.
Again, over-achiever!

 So...Angela and anyone else who's still out in the cold....
when the wind blows, and the snow falls, and
you're STILL stuck inside for recess....
try this STEM related poem to get your kids
excited about the Snowman Button Races!

Yes the voice is actually mine.
Rock on with your bad self!
I started with a normal voice,
and then after sitting in the car for over
an hour waiting for one of my sons to finish
up his after school activity....I think I lost my mind
a little and came up with this really goofy, snowman voice.
If you want the pdf file so that you can read it yourself....
I'll share that with you as well.
I think it's super cute!  It's also a great way 
to introduce the STEM activity to the class.
All good sista!

Snowball Button Races Poem
If you missed this freebie...become a TPT and blog 
follower to  catch future freebies!

Be SURE to download the STEM activity
and the pdf with the poem now....
because I'm only leaving them here for free for 48 hours.
This is meant as a "THANK YOU" to all of our blog followers.
If you're coming to this blog after the free posting
has been taken off...I'm so sorry you missed this freebie!
If you would like future freebies,
be sure to follow both of my stores:
Regina Davis
Fairy Tales And Fiction By 2
as well as this blog.

Now I just have to come up with a
S.T.E.M. activity for myself and figure out
how to create a dental chair that will take care of 
all of my dental phobias.
Good luck with that!


Monday, March 9, 2015

March Into March With More Cat In The Hat!

It's March and if you're anything like me,
you're in a teaching frenzy!

Stop right there my Florida friend!
My, "I see the sunshine every time
I open my eyes" friend.
My, "Our students go outside
for recess every day" friend.

For the rest of us unfortunate peeps,
this is what we've been
dealing with...
These are my kids during one
of our "joyous" winter days.
Notice the sky?  Do you see the sun?
They're not standing next to a snowman.
That's actually me.
Pale as can be with the lack of sun.
Bald because I've pulled my hair out
over the excessive number of indoor recesses!
"Plump" around the middle because what
else is there to do when you're trapped inside but eat?!
If you live in the Midwest or out East,
I know you feel my pain.

So what was that again Regina?
Feeling frazzled? Uh, I think we can relate! calm the frazzled nerves,
I thought I'd share some more
Cat In The Hat freebies
with all of you!
You're cool like that.
Just saying...

I made and used these with my first grade class,
but I decided to include lower level materials for
any Kindergarten teachers out there.
I taught Kindergarten for the past 8 years,
so I know all about March Madness!

Cat In The Hat
Differentiated Instruction:
Addition and Subtraction

My kids really enjoyed
practicing their measurement
skills with this next activity.
I actually used our rulers and
my class measured and 
estimated to the nearest inch.
I added measurement
with paper clips and
unifix cubes as well
so that others of you
who are not using rulers, can use
paper clips or unifix cubes.
Thanks for that!   

Cat In The Hat
Differentiated Instruction: Measurement
 Just have your students estimate
the measurement by rounding up or down.
I hope your kids enjoy as
much as mine did!

My kids have gotten pretty
good at counting their coins
while using this:

Cat In The Hat
Differentiated Instruction: Money

Last, but not least
is some useful clock work practice.
Have your students practice
writing the numbers for digital clocks,
and the clock hands for analog clocks.
Sheesh!  You're a busy girl.
Thanks for sharing!

Cat In The Hat
Differentiated Instruction: Clock Work

May you find time to do all that you need to do.
May calmness overtake your classrooms,
and may all of your Little Cats A-Z
help with all of the cleaning up 
of little and big messes!
...and may you find yourself
OUTSIDE at recess someday soon!
...because rocking in a corner
is no way to spend your planning period!