
About Regina

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10 Questions

Coffee, Tea, or Milk?
My family goes through 6 gallons a week...
I guess that's what happens when you have 4 kids!

High Heels or Flip Flops?  
Flips are the only way to walk around in Florida... 
12 years ago, I was shocked to see 
I have since gone native and rarely wear any other kind of shoe. 

Warm Beach or Cozy Ski Cabin?
 I don't like the sun....Yes, I know I live in Florida, 
but I'm the crazy lady who walks around with an umbrella. 
Maybe you've seen me?
 I'm in a constant battle against sun spots + as a bonus I'm really easy for my kids to spot when we're at the beach!  We live about 15 minutes from absolutely gorgeous beaches, and I teach 2 blocks from the shoreline.  You'll find me me standing in the ocean on the days when I need to take a little breather before wiping the sand off my feet and heading to my classroom by 8:15 in the morning. I have about a 7 minute window in the mornings between dropping off my kids at high school, middle school and daycare  before I have to get to my kindergarten classroom.  There's just something about feeling the sea breeze on my face and the water hitting my feet (as my skirt is hitched up enough not to get wet) that calms my soul and makes me think....Yes, I can do this!  Bring on the Common Core!

I digress....cozy, mountain cabin....absolutely!  
Ski cabin....not my thing!

  How about a cozy, mountain cabin with a complete library as one of its rooms and a constant supply of hot cocoa.....hmmmmm....
When can I leave?

Drive thru or fine dining?
Neither! Give me Mexican food any day!  
My absolute favorite is TEX MEX, but since we left the great state of Texas 14 years ago I haven't had the pleasure!  
Oh, are missed!  
We have tried eating Tex Mex in Colorado and in Florida, but you can't really get TRUE Tex Mex unless you're in The Lone Star State...
Ask any Texan you know!

I will always call Texas home!

Who (living or dead) would you love to meet?
I have to say, I always hate this I don't think I'll answer it....because HONESTLY with teaching Kindergarten and having 4 kids of my own...I just want to be LEFT ALONE in most of my dream fantasies...Never happens, and when it does one day--I'm sure I'll be devastated.  Of course, there are people both living and dead that would be absolutely incredible to meet....but realistically--I'd rather be in my sweats reading a book or playing on Pinterest in SILENCE. (Truth!)

Favorite Teaching quote?

Favorite Life quote?

...very true...Karma is real, people! 
Evening entertainment...
Reality TV, Facebook, Pinterest, or a good book?
See Above!
:) Books and Pinterest are my life savers!

Except...when American Idol, Survivor, America's Got Talent, 
and So You Think You Can Dance is on....
I do put my book or laptop down and watch TV with my family!

If money were no object, I would….
Travel leisurely throughout Europe 
dragging my family to all of the museums and old castles!  
A few months here, a few months there...
5 Star Hotels...Bring along some private tutors for the kiddos...
(Anyone up for the job?)......AAAhhhh!

How many place settings are at your dinner table?

King Common Sense....He keeps me grounded
Queen name IS Regina (which means Queen) 
& CHAOS is my modus operandi :)
Karate Ballerina...18 and starting college with a full, academic scholarship! (I am so proud of her.....
but YIKES my kids are growing up!)
Hollywood...16 and Drama is his passion...he is off to pursue his dreams in either California or New York after he becomes a paramedic so that he can eat in between casting calls!
Golden Boy...12 and my straight A student even in his Gifted classes!
The Darling Diva...3 but going on 15!

2 girls and 2 boys...Just like we planned 19 years ago!

That's would you answer these questions? 


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

HI My kids loved the Peter labeling sheet. The only thing is...they noticed that the box under the mitten is pointing to the jacket (but there is no word for jacket). I suggest either changing the mitten word to coat/jacket, or moving the arrow to point to the mitten. :)

Regina Davis aka Queen Chaos said...

Hi Allison,
I know it's July, but better late than never! I finally figured out which post you were referring to: The Snowy Day labeling sheets in our "Winter? So Over It!" post. For some reason I was thinking Pete The Cat...Duh! I kept going to that one, and thinking I don't see a mitten, Pete's not wearing a jacket....what a hot mess! By spring every year, my brain is laser focused on one thing only--making sure my own students are where they need to be academically! Everything else goes by the wayside! are right....I did have a blip on my labeling sheet. Thanks so much for letting me know. It's now fixed if you'd like to re-download...sorry world! Everyone will have to re-download that one! You should all say thank you to Allison--she's the one who pointed it out (very nicely).
Happy Summer!
:) Regina

Unknown said...

You are so generous and inspiring! Thank you for the freebies!

Regina Davis aka Queen Chaos said... made my day! Thanks so much for that! :) Regina

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