Happy Fall!
I cannot believe that
there are only 5 more school
days until Halloween!
DUDE! They're predicting snow
here this weekend!
What the what?!
So much to do...
and so little time.
there are only 5 more school
days until Halloween!
DUDE! They're predicting snow
here this weekend!
What the what?!
So much to do...
and so little time.
Hats have become my "Go-To"
when I'm feeling a little stressed.
Have I been feeling stressed lately?
Duh, you're a teacher.
Stressed is just a state of being.
Duh, you're a teacher.
Stressed is just a state of being.
I don't know...
maybe check out our
last several hat posts.
In case you don't know...
"stressed" is simply
"desserts" spelled
Yes. Yes it is.
I've been eating
Skinny Cow Ice Cream
Sandwiches lately.
Genius marketing strategy.
Well played "Skinny Cow".
Well played.
They're only
6 Weight Watcher points
(yup....I'm back on
the Weight Watcher Wagon.)
Skinny Cow Ice Cream sandwiches
happened to be Buy One Get One Free
about 3 weeks ago.
I was a mad woman
filling my shopping cart
with ice cream sandwiches.
My cart was filled
to the top with JUST
Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches.
I was actually giggling
out loud like a crazy woman
as I walked down
the frozen food aisle
pushing my
cart full o'ice-cream.
"Children, step away from the cray cray."
said every parent walking by.
The problem came
when I got home
and realized I may
not have enough room
in my freezer
for all of my "free"
ice cream.
have been a problem....
but lucky for me...
I have TWO freezers!
Take that Skinny Cow!
I am STILL eating
those ice cream sandwiches
and probably have enough
to last me the next few weeks.
AND.....believe or not....
I've actually
lost a total of 25 pounds
since August,
--crossing my fingers--
it's still coming off).
Rock on with your bad self!
Like for reals!
ANY weight loss is an accomplishment!
Kudos to you my friend.
Now I know that
eating ice cream sandwiches
on a daily basis is not
REALLY a good plan,
so how about instead of loading
down on desserts
when I'm feeling
stressed out...I share
something sweet with
all of you instead?
As always, thinking of others.
last several hat posts.
In case you don't know...
"stressed" is simply
"desserts" spelled
Yes. Yes it is.
I've been eating
Skinny Cow Ice Cream
Sandwiches lately.
Genius marketing strategy.
Well played "Skinny Cow".
Well played.
They're only
6 Weight Watcher points
(yup....I'm back on
the Weight Watcher Wagon.)
Skinny Cow Ice Cream sandwiches
happened to be Buy One Get One Free
about 3 weeks ago.
I was a mad woman
filling my shopping cart
with ice cream sandwiches.
My cart was filled
to the top with JUST
Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches.
I was actually giggling
out loud like a crazy woman
as I walked down
the frozen food aisle
pushing my
cart full o'ice-cream.
"Children, step away from the cray cray."
said every parent walking by.
The problem came
when I got home
and realized I may
not have enough room
in my freezer
for all of my "free"
ice cream.
have been a problem....
but lucky for me...
I have TWO freezers!
Take that Skinny Cow!
I am STILL eating
those ice cream sandwiches
and probably have enough
to last me the next few weeks.
AND.....believe or not....
I've actually
lost a total of 25 pounds
since August,
--crossing my fingers--
it's still coming off).
Rock on with your bad self!
Like for reals!
ANY weight loss is an accomplishment!
Kudos to you my friend.
Now I know that
eating ice cream sandwiches
on a daily basis is not
REALLY a good plan,
so how about instead of loading
down on desserts
when I'm feeling
stressed out...I share
something sweet with
all of you instead?
As always, thinking of others.
These Fall and Halloween Hats are a
Flash Freebie for all of our
Fabulous Blog Followers!
Flash Freebie for all of our
Fabulous Blog Followers!
They will only be available for free
for the next 24 hours.
I'm being SERIOUS this time....
no I won't forget and leave it up
for the next 2 years.....hehehe.
Or maybe I will....
Or not.
So download while you can!
Fall and Halloween Character Hats

Click Here To Download.
If you've missed it,
so sorry!
Become a follower,
and join the crazy!
for the next 24 hours.
I'm being SERIOUS this time....
no I won't forget and leave it up
for the next 2 years.....hehehe.
Or maybe I will....
Or not.
So download while you can!
Fall and Halloween Character Hats

Click Here To Download.
If you've missed it,
so sorry!
Become a follower,
and join the crazy!