but I'm feeling a little wild! Feeling wild? Hardly. It's the calm before the storm!
Tomorrow's the big day.....
Let The Royal Rumpus Begin!
I can see the line of teachers at the nurse's office for aspirin. *AttaGirl Funnies by Angela Furgal AKA AttaGirl* If you see
this pinned somewhere else...know that you saw it here first!
Love, Love, Love the book Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak! ditto!
I especially like to use it around Halloween, because it has a great Halloween feel to it without actually being about Halloween....Yay! true that Years ago, I found a fabulous idea on the internet. Use Bugles (the little cone shaped chip-like snack), and have your students put one Bugle on each finger. Those are their "claws". Cute...and delicious.
I don't remember where I got this idea from. When I google it to try to find the original source... it's showing up on sites that I don't remember visiting. I'm thinking lots of people are doing this now. Whoever you are out there in cyber space.... Thank you for sharing! This is a well loved activity my students have been doing for the past 7 years. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Just saying...
I'm giving everyone a very simple freebie to add to the fun of having "terrible claws". I like for my students to practice segmenting words with deep, growling, wild thing voices.
I have created cards that have words from the story.
Read the words to your students.
Have them segment the word with
their most monster-like voice
(having a silent space in between each sound). Fun!
FYI....not ALL the Bugles in the bag will work. You have to find the ones with the nice opening for little fingers to fit into. Some of my kids do the activity with just one claw.... but they don't mind. All the growling and monster talk makes up for it. (Plus they get to eat a Bugle or two.)
If you want to finish off the "costume" you can have your students make a "mask". Have them make this before they do the segmenting activity. I've seen a similar masks on the internet... the main difference with this mask is the addition of words (very important if you're going to be doing this during your literacy block!)
I just had to throw in some pictures of posters that I have made and have hanging in my room every year. Feel free to copy these pics and use them on your smartboards.... lots of sight words here ready to be circled!
The best thing is.... these activities can be used all year round.... whenever you're feeling a little wild!
for the past 7 days non-stop? The fact that you haven't had a nice cold Coke for waaaay too long? --Ha! (I REALLY could have used one last week... I had to settle with a couple of Sprites. Not the same thing...... not the same thing at all!)
Wait for it..... ...wating.
EVALUATION! What? Girrrrl, you've been doing this for how long? I'm sure you breezed through it! You're right.... I just get all hyped up..... and exhaust myself and everyone who lives with me while I'm at it! I'm like an excited, little hamster running like crazy on my little hamster wheel! I gotta do this.....Now I have to do that..... Oh, I forgot about this...... Run, run, run....Go, go, go..... Oh, wait....I'm still in my cage.... I haven't really "gone" anywhere....Rats!
I don't know about you, but in my district ALL teachers are now required to have 2 formal evaluations every year.
Do you know that both of the words
can be found in the word "EVALUATION"?
Just sayin'.
Hmmmmmmmmm.... "Evil Elation Lessons" I think that's what I'm going to call it now whenever I refer to my biannual dreaded lessons. Side Note: OK....I just googled it... and NO ONE has coined this term. Hah!
It's officially MINE! Bwa-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha! (I think I'm the only one quirky enough to even THINK about it! I'm not saying this like it's necessarily a GOOD thing!)
Evil for all of the time
and money I put into it... not to mention the stress and sleepless nights of constant planning/thinking, rethinking/replanning, etc.
Again, you've been doing this long enough not to sweat it! You could have pulled it off with your eyes closed! (But then, I wouldn't have been able to see my magic mirror....Duh!)
Elation for the total relief
once it's over,
and knowing that
I did MY best....
no matter the outcome. Exactly!
One more Evil Elation Lesson down! A gazillion more to go! Maybe not a gazillion.... there's a few less than that for me to reach retirement or early death. A gazillion? You're gonna give me an early death thinking about that! I know...right?
Yup, that's me up there. Awesome, yet dead. Innovative, yet interred. Creative, yet cremated. Let's have a moment of silence.
I've informed King Common Sense that when I die I want to be placed on a beautifully made raft ....ooh, Angela....maybe your Bobby could help with that.... he does have some mad woodworking skills, right? He's certainly capable....but I'm sure he'd be freaked out to make that! Float me out to sea, and light me up like a Viking Princess, flaming arrow and everything.... Ok, now you're just freaking me out! (It is the week of Halloween!)
Just make sure I'm REALLY dead first. AW SNAP! Hate when that happens! King Common Sense just grunts whenever I bring it up. I've tried discussing this with him on SEVERAL occasions... it just never seems to stick. The most I get out of him is: "You're kidding right?" (Uh....Nooooooooo... and while you're at it ... make sure that there are flowers all around me with my hair flowing, and a long, billowy dress would be nice.) Thanks, now I have a picture in my head for tonight's nightmare. (I could order up a raft for two.... after all, you DID say that just thinking about all of the gazillion of lesssons would give YOU an early death... let me talk to my husband about that!)
Whenever I bring up my funeral plans, King Common Sense just gives me THE LOOK (the look of all things rational and logical), and then he goes back to whatever practical thing he's tackling at the moment.
Focus, Regina, Focus! SQUIRREL! Back to my Evil Elation Lesson...
I am very blessed to have two
ladies that run my school.
(Seriously....I'm not just saying that
because they might read my post!)
So my bosses are not what (who) makes me so tired
just thinking about it.
It's just that when I create my
Evil Elation Lessons....
I want them to be
In my mind I'm envisioning a pleasantly plump Cat Woman rubbing her hands together making her PURRRRRRFECTLY PURRRRRRRRFECT Plans.... Meeeeeeeoooooow!
Oh dear friend...perfect is impossible. We work with short people remember? At any given moment, a..n..y..t..h..i..n..g could happen. That's when you sink or swim sista! (I'm swimming....I'm swimming.... Getting Tired.....But I'm swimming... ...Where's my lifeguard?...I'm still swimming!)
So...this morning I woke up (yes, I do sleep on occasion)
and I was thinking about my lesson (of course).
It just occurred to me
that maybe some of you
may want me to share my Evil Elation Lesson with you.
vs. The Three Little Pigs. I absolutely LOVE your double bubble maps! Thank you! Two of my teaching compadres (actually I should say "comadres" if I'm being accurate) suggested I start making them...Thank you ladies! (click above for a link) I loved using this last year, and it worked great for a regular, daily lesson.
This year I have a student teacher Lucky her! (for about a month) who has never taught in front of a class before. My poor student teacher is stuck with me-- I don't call myself
Queen Chaos without good reason!
I knew that I had to sign up for my own Evil Elation Lesson within the next few months, so I offered to do it within a week's time so that she could see a lesson and replicate it for her own lesson (which is booked about 2 1/2 weeks later). I just happened to be teaching folk tales when I met her and offered to do this for her. She can only come in the afternoons, so she is only with my last 2 classes. That's right. You don't have one class. You teach reading to 3 CLASSES of Kindergarten kids at your school. No pressure!
Because of her scheduling... this is the first year that I have EVER offered to give my Evil Elation Lesson during the afternoon. For those of you who don't teach Kindergarten.... This is HUGE! Any seasoned K teacher will tell you: "Get it done in the mornings, or prepare yourself! You never know what can happen with a tired 5 year old!" Not to mention with the tired teacher that's been large and in charge of all of those short people all day! We read, acted out, retold, and filled out character/setting/problem/solution story organizers BEFORE the official Evil Elation Lesson.
I made all of the visor hats out of foam. About five years ago, we had a Kindergarten play where our students needed costumes. I found out I had a strange talent of eyeballing and whipping out foam visor hats for different storybook characters. Odd....who knew? Well that's just too stinkin' clever!
Writing this post, I just realized why my right arm may have been having twinges of tendonitis a few years ago.... outfitting 5 classroom characters took a whole lot of cutting. Now WHY couldn't I remember that when the orthopedic surgeon was asking me what I had been doing with my poor, right hand/arm? I just looked at him, and said, "I teach Kindergarten." That just about wraps it all up in a nutshell. Seriously! We need to get hazard pay. Just saying...
*AttaGirl Funnies by Angela Furgal AKA Fairy Funtastic* If you see
this pinned somewhere else...know that you saw it here first!
I guess my mind is going downhill with the rest of me! Thank goodness it just took some shots and some will power for the twinges to go away (kind of). I have to stop talking about this, or my arm is going to start bothering me again.
We also made some really simple pigs and bears that I hung from my lights (back to back) so that when they "spun" you could see pigs and bears everywhere.
Click Above If You Want To See This On TPT.
I made these, because I wanted my students to have a fun character "craftivity", but I didn't want it overly complicated. Plus, I have 54 students.... so I wanted something that didn't take my entire paper supply. 54 short people?! Again, no pressure. We labeled Goldilocks and The Big Bad Wolf.
This just cracks me up.... you know that I AM the queen of graphic organizers... Yes you are my friend! I mean come on, I have over 700 products on TPT... ..that completely blows my mind! crazy, but true. How I got that many... I have no clue...it just kind of happened. That doesn't just happen...you are talented and super busy! Anyhooo......look very closely at the bottom middle organizer. I just couldn't get everything just right (as I had sooooooo carefully planned---imagine that!) ...there's just not enough hours in the day (or night)! I ended up having to hand draw Uh, I can draw a stick person. Impressed much? an organizer (spur of the moment) for an earlier lesson and there it is, hanging with pride on my bulletin board. I thought about redoing it (to make it look pretty), but then I thought: Nope....This is Real World Teaching! Plus, I thought it would put a smile on a new teacher's face to see that we ALL have those days when we just have to wing it! You know you're a teacher, when you have days that you have to whip something up with a snap of your fingers!
Click HEREIf You Want To See Wolf Labels On TPT. Click HEREIf You Want To See GoldilocksLabels On TPT. I actually went to Office Depot and spent around $100.00 (cha-ching!) OUCH! That's just painful to read. on my two label posters, (Goldilocks Labels and The Big Bad Wolf Labels) my Folktales poster,
Click Above If You Want To See A Preview On TPT. and my double bubble lesson (the double bubble frame + the answer bubbles enlarged to the same size).
It was a whole lot of money, but everything turned out BEE-YOU-TEE-FULL!
FYI....I STILL haven't gotten the posters enlarged that I wanted for the beginning of the year.... but at least I was able to do it for this lesson. Yay! Oh, the things we do (and the money we spend) for Evil Elation Lessons!
This is a poster I made several years ago.
I can't remember where the picture came from....
but Karate Princess helped me color it.... I long for the days when my children WILLINGLY helped me with my Classroom To Do List. At 8 and 11, my kids are so done with working in my room. I think it's fair to say they do NOT think teaching is all that glamorous. If you happen to have a willing helper at home... enjoy it while it lasts! At some point, they're going to say NEVER AGAIN!
Here's another....
this one I had gotten a long time ago on the internet.
I don't know who the original author or artist is, but it's not me!
For the actual day of the lesson, we read through:
My kids like the part when the objects/characters "move". It has all of the same sentences that are on the double bubble, so that my students can practice reading through the words before sorting the circles. Very cool!
I took my simple double bubble, and I added pictures, words, and sentences so that I was differentiating for my different leveled students.
My kids loved the letter "b" bears and the letter "p" pigs
that I made to go with my moving reader.
I had fun putting the little, animal faces on the alphabet letters.
The silly things that make me smile!
Life is in the little things.
I was so excited to have a lowercase "b" and "p"
for the kids so that they could also
practice the trickier letter recognition.
(These can be found at the end of the moving reader.)
I made enough cards so that every student
had a "b" bear and a "p" pig card. Every time
we read a sentence, they had to decide which folktale
it referred to and hold up the corresponding card.
If the sentence referred to both stories,
they held up a card in each hand.
Assessing on the fly.
Again, you had nothing to worry about my friend.
Click on the picture above if you're interested.
All Encompassing Differentiated Sorting Activity: Some students can sort by just looking at the pictures, some can sort by reading the single words (with the beginning sounds underlined), and some can sort the circles by reading the sentences.
I had 4 centers for my students. My time with my classes is very tight. (Remember, this is the first year that I am the Reading Teacher for 3 Kindergarten Classes). I only had 1 hour for this class to be in my room, so I decided to only do 2 centers, and have a follow up the next day to finish. If I was back to having a regular Kindergarten class (like I've had for the past 7 years), I could have gotten all 4 centers completed during my literacy block.
The first center was set up for my students to do their own double bubble activity. I initially was going to have my students cut the circles out themselves (we can always use cutting practice). True that! When I tried it with the first group of my first class, I realized that it was taking my kids too long to cut the circles for the short amount of time that we had for the centers. So, I quickly pre-cut the circles ...because you have nothing but time on your hands...NOT! and placed them in plastic bags (1 bag with 8 circles per student).
I put up folders so that I couldaccurately tell who understood the concept of comparing/contrasting and using a double bubble. We call those our "offices." They love to be so official. --Ooh, I LIKE that! Great idea! For the second center, I used a trick that I've seen on Pinterest. (where all good things come from) I put 2 hula hoops together to make a Venn Diagram. (I tied them with yarn so that they wouldn't come apart easily.)
It took me one cycle of my centers to realize that I needed to add tape. DUH! I must have missed that part on Pinterest.... or maybe they weren't dealing with 5 year olds... I'm not sure which, but the hoops were sliding all over the place even with being tied with yarn. It was just a massive Venn Diagram being pulled and stretched by my Kindergarteners. (Instead of 2 circle hoops being moved everywhere which is what I envisioned and was trying to avoid.) Well.... EACH of my students regardless of gender, race, or creed, age, financial status thought that it should be placed DIRECTLY in front of HIM or HER instead of in the middle of the entire group. OF COURSE! After all the world does revolve around them. To avoid the possibility of Kinder Wars erupting, within seconds... I had to add the tape, (clear packing tape is a classroom staple) Go through rolls and rolls of it. pull all of the table chairs to one side of the table, and tell tell them to take turns pulling a sorting card from a basket.
Luckily, I was able to tweak the venn diagram center in my morning session (Guinea pigs!) so that during my actual Evil Elation Lesson (later that day), this center ran much smoother. Thank goodness I had the chance to reevaluate my procedures during my morning class and fix it for my afternoon lesson. (I think that was good Karma for being willing to do it in the afternoon to begin with...Woot-Woot!)
By the way, I AM sharing my trade secrets with you! I've always thought that the best teachers are the ones who share! Absolutely! Teaching is often beg, steal, or borrow to get what you need. Hopefully, you'll find something useful in this post! Uh, ya think?! Here is the rubric I used..... OMG! Again, I love how you take those higher level tools and apply them to Kindergarten. You are all that and a bag of chips! which actually includes the double bubble center as well as the venn diagram/hula hoop center. (They have to show that they can help a friend to get a "4" which they have a chance to do at the hula hoop center).
I decided that since I have such a short time with my 3 separate classes.... my vice principal would see center work during my evaluation that covered alphabet letters and sight words as well as the two centers focusing on comparing and contrasting. I have limited time, and every minute counts! Sad but true... We have to know our letters and sight words or guess what....we won't be reading! YIKES! That's just not an option on my watch! Again, no pressure! Sooooooo.......for the third center, I had both alphabet letter mats
Click Above To See on TPT. and sight word mats (with a wolf theme) Thank you makinglearningfun.com! I had wanted to make my own NEW sightword mats, but I ran out of time. I was able to use old mats that I had made several years ago. I found this blank, dotted picture that I had handwritten sight words in around 8 years ago. I believe it was made for paint stampers (the bingo type markers), but I just added sight words to it.
Students were able to choose cards, and cover the alphabet letter (or sight word) with a counter. This was my Student Teacher's center, and she used either the alphabet mat or the sight word mat depending on the students' reading abilities in each group (differentiation is key). For sure! I LOVE the counters. They are see through so that you can still read the words or letters even after they are covered. I'm pretty sure that I ordered them from lakeshorelearning.com.....of course! I have flashbacks to my "tiddly wink" days. My last center was loosely based from a S.T.E.M. activity I made last year called The Three Little Pigs Stem Activity: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Again, you have a gift for simplifying higher level skills into Kindergarten friendly activities. That's a gift my friend! I had to rework it to better fit my new role of focusing on being the reading teacher for 3 classes.
I made a paper for my students to draw and design a house made out of either alphabet letters and sight word paper cards or alphabet letters and sight word blocks that I have in my classroom.
Building Letter & Sight Word Houses For The Three Bears and The Three Little Pigs In my pre-observation meeting with my vice principal, I asked her to play the part of The Big, Bad Wolf and use a blow dryer to blow the houses down. Now that's pretty cool that she rolled with that! I asked her permission to post her picture on our blog, and she said, "Absolutely!" Where's the line for autographs? (See why I love my bosses?)
The kids had so much fun making their alphabet/sight word houses, and most of them really put thought into how to protect their paper characters that they were required to have in their structures. One of my favorite parts of this lesson was when one of my little girls (with big, huge eyes) said, "Mrs. 'Chaos', is there any way that I can change my building materials to blocks? I had NO IDEA that a blow dryer would do that to paper!" (This was after she saw a friend's paper house get blown straight across the classroom.)
I also noticed that the houses started getting tighter looking with rooftops becoming essentials as the children observed storybook characters getting blown away by the wind.
My kids LOVED having their vice principal try to take down their houses! She's such a good sport... I had told her about the blow dryer in our pre-observation meeting, but I completely left out the part about wearing the wolf hat. I just left it by the blow dryer as a prop. She put the wolf hat right on, and started blowing down houses left and right.... She's a definite keeper!
To wrap it all up, my students were given a reward of 2 hand stamps when we finished--a bear and a pig (of course).... one for each hand. I went to Michael's and I bought a bunch of stamps for the year since having a reward is part of our evaluation protocol. (That was another $100.00...CRAZY!!!) Can I just tell you....if you have EVER bought ANYTHING from my store on TPT....... THANK YOU! Good point! Most folks may think that TPT income goes to hoity toity vacations. Nope, so much of it goes right back into the classroom. Dare I say our students are spoiled?
YOU are the reason that I'm able to pay for stamps at Michael's and enlarging posters at Office Depot for this lesson. ALL of my Purrrrrrrrrrfectly Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect Plans would have gone awry without you! My inner Cat Woman says that: "You're The Cat's MEOW!"
Right now, one of the buzz words in education is for teachers to be "Innovative". Being an Innovative Teacher is the highest ranking a teacher can receive in my area. We all try our best, but it's not always easy or even seemingly possible to achieve. Being innovative to me is the ability of making something out of nothing. Maybe I'm right, or maybe I'm wrong.... that's just my take on it. I think that's a fair definition.
Why is being innovative so important? Watch the following video....
I wonder what these kids would say, if THEY were asked: "Does having an innovative teacher make a difference?" Hmmmmmmmm......
I have actually been to places in Mexico and El Salvador that remind me of this area.
I remember looking out at the tarmac after flying back to the U.S. from El Salvador once, and thinking that if the plane had the stairs leading directly to the ground, I would have gladly bent down and kiss the ground before heading to go inside the airport.
The word "humbling" doesn't even begin to cover it. I have to remind myself of all of the blessings I do have when I just can't afford what I would like to be able to afford. I am not kidding or exaggerating when I say that my bilingual education students in Texas only had rocks and sticks to play with at home... SERIOUSLY.
I always SENT home school supplies with my students at the beginning of the school year so that they could do homework at home (pencils, paper, scissors, glue, etc.). I had to send home 2 pairs of scissors for my students, because I found out that their moms were using the scissors to cut meat for their dinners. I didn't want my kids to use the "meat" cutting scissors for their projects. We're talking drastic poverty. The funny thing is.... they considered themselves lucky.
They were in America. Wow.....humbling is right. Dare I say, WE are spoiled!
God Bless The USA.
...and... God bless ALL the teachers of the WORLD who work tirelessly for their kiddos! No matter what country you claim, or what language you speak.... I know that teachers are out there doing their best for their students! OUR STUDENTS are the future.... and hopefully all of OUR sleepless nights of endless planning will help to make that future bright!