When most folks hear the phrase,
"those three little words,"
they assume you're referring to
"I love you."
But nope, not talking about those three little words.
It's the end of July...
there are three little words
that make most teachers' hearts skip a beat
(and not because they're looking at a pic of Ryan Gosling)
There are three little words that signify
the official end
to our current state
of peace and paradise.
(Read the following at your own risk)
(Quick! Where's the defibrillator?!)

*AttaGirl Funnies by Angela Furgal AKA Fairy Funtastic*
If you see this pinned somewhere else...know that you saw it here first!
It's summer!
We're eating lunch without watching the clock.
We're even sitting down while we eat!
We're going to the bathroom, whenever our bladders desire!
We're enjoying the fact that we do NOT have to multi-task
every, single, moment of our days.
We can actually do one thing at at time,
and without 20-some short people
vying for our immediate attention.
When we sit on our couch at night,
there isn't a bookbag nearby demanding
we take our eyes off of the TV
and attend to the to-do list we have waiting in there.

After hearing those three little words
and seeing them ALL OVER TOWN,
our minds are forced to switch gears.
We'll have to dig out our alarm clocks,
remember how to set them,
and do so without feeling bitter.
With the help of Pinterest,
we can get our heads back in the game.
(Or get lost in cyberspace as we pin, pin, pin!)

Once you jump on that treadmill
of another school year,
(and am I the only one that notices
the incline gets higher each year?)
the incline gets higher each year?)
...be prepared for those other frightening phrases
that will let you know that another
school year is in full swing:
"We need anyone available to come to bus duty!"
"The State Superintendent will be visiting us tomorrow
and spending the morning in your classroom."
"I threw up this morning, but my mom gave me medicine so I'm OK now."
"I brought cupcakes with extra frosting."
"All staff report to the gym for a 5 hour in-service."
"We don't have a sub for P.E. today."
"The nurse said I have lice."
"The nurse said I have lice."
"The state has revised the teacher certification program...again."
"The copier isn't working."
"The copier still isn't working today."
"Remember that report cards have been revised
and are completely different this year."
"Teachers, the cafeteria is running behind. Please
hold your class for 15 minutes."
"He picked up the urinal cake."
"Teacher, there's poop on the toilet!"
"The bathroom door is locked."
"The Internet is down."
"You're so lucky to only work 9-3,
Monday through Friday,
September to June."
And final note to self for today's Planning Period:
Be sure to set up for my next activity,
make lesson plans for the following week,
begin/finish inserting report card grades,
prepare for my parent conferences,
attend a grade level meeting,
wipe down the tables for snack before the children return...
...oh wait..
DO NOT forget to make a mad rush to the bathroom
DO NOT forget to make a mad rush to the bathroom
during the last 2 minutes of planning so that I can make
it until my afternoon duties are over!I wish you all well as you walk the aisles of
Target trying in vain NOT to hear
the Back to School shoppers check
off the supplies that you
will all too soon be organizing in your home away from home.
But hey, who am I kidding?
The beauty of our job is that every year we get a clean slate.
A new room arrangement.
A new group of short people to meet,
figure out, care for, teach,
and ultimately help grow and succeed.
May we ALL get the dream class this year!
Or at least let us THINK we have the dream class!
If not, let's keep them tame with this
No David: Domino Math Activity!
Another year of endless possibilities.
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